The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is a 1966 epic western film starring Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef and Eli Wallach in the title roles. One of the most popular and well-known westerns made, the film is regarded by many critics as a classic. It was one of Time magazine's "100 Greatest Movies of the Last Century." I explain all of this because Jean and I quite frequently refer to experiences, situations or people as The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
The descriptive phrase came to mind earlier this week as I was reading a sports reporter's perception of a football game. The writer described one player as doing a "good" job in fulfilling his responsibilities. He then quoted a coach who said a player made a "bad" decision. The writer went on to quote another coach who said it was an "ugly" win.
And then yesterday, as I reclined in a hospital bed awaiting the endoscopy procedure I get the pleasure of experiencing every five years (tongue-in-cheek), a nurse who was looking at information on a form asked me what I do as CEO/president of Carl Mays' Creative Living, Inc. When I told her I am a professional writer and speaker, she asked me what I write and speak about. I explained my specialization is in human relations, motivation, leadership, teamwork, communication and performance improvement. I then added I have spoken to quite a number of healthcare groups, including hospitals.
The nurse responded, "I've been to some meetings like that." She paused and then continued, "Do you think that type of thing really works?" I replied, "Well, do you think what you do as a nurse really works?" She looked at me with sort of a deer-caught-in-the-headlight expression, and then nodded her head and said, "Yeah." I told her, "Your job works if you are a good, professional nurse who knows what you are doing and if the patients with whom you work are cooperative and come in with the right attitude. Am I right?" She nodded and said, "I guess so." I continued, "The meetings we're talking about work if you have a good, professional speaker who knows what he or she is doing and if the people who attend the meeting come with a cooperative spirit and the right attitude." The nurse said, "I guess you're right." I replied, "Well, I've made over 3,500 presentations - so either it works or I've been able to pull the wool over many people's eyes through the years." She nodded her head and said, "Good point."
After a pause, the nurse commented, "But, you know, it won't work if the leaders don't buy into. You've got to have support from the leaders if it's going to work." I replied, "There is always a ladder of accountability - from the top to the bottom and from the bottom to the top. Every leader on every level and every team member on every level, who is accountable for tasks and responsibilities rather than making excuses or blaming others, is a part of the solution and not a part of the problem."
The nurse nodded her head and said, "You're right." And then, I thought of the phrase that had been brought to mind earlier during the week and told her, "But in every organization of any kind, you always have The Good, the Bad and the Ugly." She laughed and nodded her head.
My gastroenterologist was pleased with the results of my endoscopy - and, thus, so was I. Next week, I have the opportunity to experience my five-year colonoscopy. The saga of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly continues.
About our guest Blogger:
© Carl Mays, father of ClaimCare CEO Carl Mays II, is an author and speaker at over 3,500 events. Contact Carl at or 865-436-7478. His motivational speaking and book information can be found on The Student Mentoring site MyMerlin.Net for students and others is based on his book and program, "A Strategy For Winning."