An Extraordinary Team Of Medical Billing Specialists
ClaimCare's team consist of extraordinarily high caliber medical billing specialists. A ClaimCare medical billing specialist is thoroughly screened, well trained, provided with the best tools and given the proper incentives.
Thoroughly Screened
Before a medical billing specialist candidate is hired they are given a series of skill and personality tests to insure that they have the proper skills, motivation, work ethic and attitude to be an outstanding ClaimCare Medical Billing Specialist.
Well Trained
After a Medical Billing Specialist is hired they go through a series of initial trainings to understand the ClaimCare medical billing process and technology. In addition, they are given on-going training in medical billing issues and techniques, customer service skills and compliance topics.
Provided With The Best Tools
ClaimCare uses best of breed technology to enable our Medical Billing Specialists to focus their efforts on the tasks that will provide the most value to our clients. They are freed from much of the busy work and error correction that takes up time in more typical billing organizations and allowed to focus on the areas that will speed up and improve our client's collections.
Given Proper Incentives
We incentivize our Medical Billing Specialists with a monthly bonus that is directly tied to the performance of our clients collections. The Medical Billing Specialist bonus structure is in full compliance with OIG guidelines. When a Medical Billing Specialist gets all of her accounts into the bonus zone, they can increase their base compensation by 25%. This fully aligns our Medical Billing Specialists' incentives with those of our clients.
To learn more about ClaimCare's Medical Billing Specialist team please fill out the form to the left or contact a local ClaimCare office.